Samis Trustee Spotlight: Judy Neuman
May 4, 2022
Samis Trustee Spotlight: Maria Erlitz
June 6, 2022
Samis Foundation trustees, staff, and guests gathered in April to honor the service of some of the foundation’s longest-serving board members and to welcome them as the inaugural members of the newly-formed Samis Foundation Emeritus Board. The three retiring board members are Eddie Hasson, Lucy Pruzan, and Alex Sytman. Samis Rabbinic Trustee Rabbi Ron-Ami Meyers is also stepping down from his position after eight years and will become an Emeritus Board member.
“We are deeply grateful for the selfless advice and guidance our long-time board members have provided over the years. The Samis Foundation has benefited immensely from nearly 100 years of combined leadership our lifetime trustees have generously given us,” said Connie Kanter, Chief Executive Officer of the Samis Foundation.
In honor of their service to the Samis Foundation and to the Seattle Jewish community, each trustee had the opportunity to award $25,000 in grants to organizations of their choice. They’re also recognized with profiles on the Samis Foundation website.
Eddie Hasson began serving on the Samis Board in 1979 when he helped his uncle, Sam Israel, establish the foundation along with Irwin Treiger. He served as Board President and Treasurer for many years. He also served on the Endowment Investment Committee, Finance Committee, Grants Committee and Day School Grants Sub-Committee. The Board could always turn to Eddie to share what Sam Israel would do or think when tackling an important decision.
Lucy Pruzan joined the Board in 1994 as the only woman appointed as a lifetime trustee by Sam Israel. She served on the Experiential Jewish Education Grants Sub-Committee, the Trusteeship Committee, and the Grants Committee. Lucy was often the voice on the Samis board for expanding support for experiential Jewish education so children could connect with their culture through camps, youth groups, and travel to Israel.
Dr. Alex Sytman joined the Samis Foundation board in 1994 and served on the Israel Grants Sub-Committee, the Endowment Investment Committee, and the Grants Committee. He played an important role in making sure the Foundation’s liquid assets were invested safely and wisely.
After eight years of serving on the Samis Board, Samis Rabbinic Trustee Rabbi Ron-Ami Meyers will also be joining the Emeritus Board. As a Jewish educator who taught extensively in Seattle’s Jewish schools, Rabbi Meyers saw his board membership as an opportunity to work in service of the future of Jewish education in the Seattle area. Rabbi Ben Hassan of the Sephardic Bikur Holim Congregation has been selected as his successor.
“It’s a pleasure to have worked with such wise and dedicated colleagues on the Samis Board. Each has shown, in their own way, a personal connection to the Samis Foundation mission. They’ve truly made us what we are today, doing the hard work to make sure we can continue with our mission to support a thriving Jewish community in Washington State,” said Eli Genauer, Chairman of the Samis Foundation Board.
The Samis Foundation is grateful to all trustees who have guided the organization with passion and commitment for more than a quarter of a century.